
Name of the Structure    Takkacı Mosque (Varsaklı Mosque, Takkacı Mustafa Mosque, Müftü Mosque)
Category Mosque
Period Late Ottoman
Current Condition It currently functions as a mosque.
Construction Date The contemporary plaque on the mosque states the year 1920.
Built by
Location / Address Balbey, 07040 Muratpaşa/Antalya

The benefactor and the construction date of the mosque cannot be verified. It was built in 1335 according to the modern inscription in the Latin alphabet. However, according to S. Kılıç, the mosque was built in the late 18th – early 19th century based on the plan and façade arrangements. The square masjid is covered with a single dome. The new mihrab and pulpit are made of marble. There is a minaret with a single balcony in the northwest corner.

The square-plan mosque is covered with a single dome supported by an octagonal drum. The harim is accessed through the marble door opening with a depressed arch in the center of the north façade. There are rectangular windows with depressed arches on both sides of the door. The square harim is covered with a depressed dome. A triangular belt provides the transition to the dome. There are two rectangular windows with round arches on all the façades on the ground floor. There are smaller rectangular windows with rounded arches corresponding to the belt on the top floor. The marble mihrab on the south façade and the marble pulpit in the southwest are not original.

The minaret in the northwest corner has a single balcony and rises on a high octagonal pulpit. Further up the minaret shaft are three rows of sawtooth eaves under the balcony. Above that is a honeycomb gallery thinner than the shaft, a spire, and a finial. A narthex with five sections and a glass window were later added to the north façade.


K. Turfan, 1955 Yılı Antalya Merkez Eski Eser Fişleri. Antalya 1955, no. 14.
S. Kılıç, Antalya’da Tek Kubbeli Cami ve Mescitler (Osmanlı Dönemi), Antalya 2015, 119-122.

Takkacı Camii

Balbey, 07040 Muratpaşa/Antalya

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