This catalogue is the eleventh volume of the SNG Türkiye Project and covers the Lydian and Phrygian coins in Çetin Erdem Collection. Çetin Erdem, the collector, is a lawyer living in the town of Sarıgöl in the Manisa Province. All the coins were bought between the years of 1995-2016 by himself, in Sarıgöl, where he lives. The three cities in the catalog, represented by a large amount of coins, are Sardis, Philadelphia and Thyatira.
- Collector’s Note
- Preface
- Abbreviations and Bibliography
- Plates (numbers refer to the plates)
- Lydian Kingdom
- Early Croeseids
- Acrasus
- Aninetus
- Apollonis
- Apollonoshieron
- Attaleia
- Bageis
- Blaundos
- Briula
- Cilbiani Inferiores (Nicaea)
- Cilbiani Superiores
- Clannudda
- Daldis
- Dioshieron
- Hermocapeleia
- Hierocaisareia
- Hypaipa
- Hyrcanis
- Julia Gordus
- Kaystrianoi
- Magnesia ad Sipylum
- Maionia
- Mastaura
- Mostene
- Nacrasa
- Nysa
- Philadelphia
- Saitta
- Sala
- Sardis
- Silandos
- Stratonicea
- Tabala
- Thyateira
- Tmolos-Aureliopolis
- Tralles
- Tripolis (Apollonia)
- Acmoneia
- Aezanis
- Alioi
- Ancyra
- Apameia
- Bria
- Bruzus
- Cadoi
- Cibyra
- Cidyessus
- Colossae
- Cotiaeum
- Diocleia
- Dionysopolis
- Docimeium
- Dorylaeum
- Eucarpeia
- Eumeneia
- Grimenothyrae
- Hierapolis
- Laodicea
- Nacoleia
- Ococleia
- Otros
- Peltai
- Philomelium
- Prymnessus
- Sebaste
- Stectorium
- Synaus
- Synnada
- Temenothyrae
- Themisonium
- Trainaopolis
- Indexes
- Concordance