
Author Oktay Belli
Editor Kayhan Dörtlük
Material Type Book
Year 2004, İstanbul
ISBN No 9757078247
Dimensions 220×285 mm
Page 248 pp, Hardbound
Figure 115 figs, 15 maps
Language in Turkish with ext. English summary
Series Monography Series 3


The main purpose of this study is to identify the presence of tin ores in Anatolia based on ancient, medieval and modern sources and also to identify the circumstances under which it was imported from which countries by whom. Bronze, an alloy of tin and copper gave its name to a period of Anatolian history from about 3500 to 1200 B.C. The part tin played in the development of Anatolian civilisations to attain high levels is not any different from those played by other metals; however, the tin trade followed a different course. Like gold and silver, tin was imported from overseas but, unlike any other metal, tin imports continued uninterruptedly through all ages. Information is collected firstly from written sources which reveal that the history of tin in Anatolia did not follow a different course from those in the Middle Eastern and Mediterranean countries. It is possible to say that tin trade is a leading one among the common aspects of commercial history of Mediterranean countries.