
Editor Serra Durugönül; Yay. yön.: Kayhan Dörtlük – Remziye Boyraz
Material Type Book
Year 2007, İstanbul
ISBN No 9789759123307
Dimensions 210×280 mm
Page xiv + 510 pp, paperback with dust jacket
Figure 133 ill.
Language in Turkish with a general summary English summary
Translation İng. ed.: T.M.P. Duggan
Series Adalya Supplementary Series 6


The importance of this excavation and this publication arises from the fact that little is known about this region and that much new data and scientific evaluations have been presented to the archaeology of the East Mediterranean. Apart from the comparisons with finds from Kelenderis, the only and the nearest excavation in the region, Cyprus also provides with important comparative materials. Furthermore, comparisons were made with other Cilician settlements further away as well as establishing parallelisms and differences with Mediterranean and Aegean cities. We hope that this study will contribute to the archaeology of Cilicia and the East Mediterranean.