
MOSAIC WORKSHOP Ancient Mosaic Art and Mosaic Making Techniques
Workshop Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Lecturer. Prof. Dr. Şehrigül YEŞİL

Mosaic Workshop: Ancient Mosaic Art and Mosaic Making Techniques will be held between 16-20 September 2024 in cooperation with Koç University AKMED (Suna & İnan Kıraç Research Center for Mediterranean Civilizations) and Perge Excavation Directorate.

Aimed at people interested in mosaic art, the workshop focuses on the development of mosaic art and ancient mosaic making techniques. The first day of the program consists of theoretical lectures that examine the development of mosaic art through examples from the Mediterranean Basin. In these theoretical lectures given by expert researchers, the development of mosaic art from its earliest period to the present day and ancient mosaic making techniques will be examined. During the following four days, a hands-on mosaic making workshop will be organized. Participants will complete the course by producing a mosaic panel and will receive a certificate of participation. The theoretical lectures will be held at AKMED Conference Hall in Kaleiçi, Antalya and the practical lectures will be held at the Ancient City of Perge.

Education Language



Theoretical Courses:

Prof. Dr. Ş. Sedef ÇOKAY-KEPÇE (Istanbul University)

Assoc. Prof. Dr. H. Ayça TİRYAKİ (Istanbul University)

Prof. Dr. Lecturer. Prof. Dr. R. Işıl IŞIKLIKAYA-LAUBSCHER (Institut für Archäologische Wissenschaften, Goethe-Universität)

Dr. Lecturer Şehrigül YEŞİL (FMV, Işık University)

Aşkın TEZUYSAL ÇAĞATAY (SilkarStone Marketing Manager)

Applied Courses:

Dr. Lecturer Şehrigül YEŞİL (FMV, Işık University)

Registration Requirements and Highlights

The workshop is open to participants between the ages of 18-65.

Program quota is limited to 12 people.

The theoretical lectures on the first day of the program, Monday, September 16, will be held in AKMED Conference Hall, while the practical lectures on September 17, 18, 19 and 20 will be held in the Ancient City of Perge.

Participants’ transportation to the Ancient City of Perge will be provided by AKMED.

Lunch will be provided for the four days of practical lessons at Perge, sponsored by the Perge Excavation Directorate.

Program Fee: The participation fee for the program is 2000 TL and payment will be made online using the link below. Payment is a prerequisite for registration to the workshop and must be made by Thursday, September 5, 2024 at 17:00. If the quota is full, registration will be closed without waiting for the deadline. Those accepted to the workshop will be notified by e-mail on Monday, September 9, 2024.

In the case that the program is canceled by AKMED due to force majeure, the fees paid will be refunded to the participants. Participants have the right to withdraw from the contract within 14 days from the day they made the payment, without any justification and without paying any penalty. However, no refunds will be made for cancellations made after this period or if the participant leaves the program early

Registration Deadline:

Thursday, September 5, 2024

For your questions about the program content, you can contact the Workshop Coordinator Dr. Şehrigül Yeşil (sehrigul@yahoo.com) in writing.

Your questions regarding payment and other administrative issues can be directed to Deniz Şenova (dsenova@ku.edu.tr).